“INNOMATH - Innovative enriching education processes for Mathematically Gifted Students in Europe”
The project INNOMATH is approved and funded by the European Commission under ERASMUS+ KA2 in the field of Strategic Partnerships for school education. This project intends to develop new methodologies for supporting gifted pupils in mathematics of age 10-18, which can be used inside and outside any school environment.
The field of teaching, learning and support to gifted students is surrounded by a lot of emotions, there is no model of definition on giftedness that researchers has agreed upon. The different models argue if giftedness is innate or if it is developed. Most of the modern models claim that the development part at least is the most important - in relation to why we should do anything at all in education for those students who we can call for example gifted, talented, excellent, or highly able. In addition, many teachers feel uncertain of how to reach their "gifted" students, they are unsure whether their math skills are good enough and they are not familiar with pedagogical methods on how to include the "gifted" in learning. Most articles on gifted education ends up "teachers need more professional development on giftedness".
This group of teachers are the group that this project aims to support by developing an Electronic Guidebook through which they can be guided in their teaching and support to "gifted" students with a role of facilitators. The project will produce an innovative set of guidelines and tools for teachers enriching their competence for supporting gifted pupils inside and outside the classroom environment.
The results of INNOMATH are expected to contribute also to the following school education priorities as described in ERASMUS+ Programme Guide:
- Supporting teachers in dealing with diversity in the classroom;
- Supporting teachers in adopting collaborative and innovative practices,
- Supporting schools to tackle disadvantage and to offer quality education, enabling success for all students, from the LOWEST to the HIGHEST end of the academic spectrum.
- Electronic Guidebook of Methods and Tools for teacher facilitators
- Analysis Report on Good Practices and Methods used to support gifted/talented pupils in schools
- Mathematics meets Industry in School – Knowledge to Innovation through Practice: Guidelines
- INNOMATH Course for teacher facilitators: Supporting Mathematically Gifted Students
Implementation period: 01/9/2019 - 31/8/2021 (24 months)