Prof. Dr. Jürg Kramer
Problems in Arakelov geometry and the theory of automorphic forms, in particular the theory of modular forms, are in the main focus of our scientific research, as well problems at the interface of these two fields.
In our joint papers with J. Burgos and U. Kühn, arithmetic intersection theory as developed by C. Soulé and H. Gillet has been generalized to also take into account hermitian metrics with logarithmic singularities.
More recent papers in the theory of modular forms deal with optimal sup-norm bounds and relations between L-series of holomorphic modular forms and Maass forms.
Last, but not least, we mention our papers on estimates of Arakelov invariants using hyperbolic geometric methods.
Our educational activities are devoted to the education and training of mathematics teachers and to the advancement of mathematically talented and interested high school students. In connection with our teacher education program manifold initiatives for a subject-oriented as well as more practice-oriented teacher training have been launched.
In particular, for the advancement of mathematically talented high school students the Berlin Network of Schools Specializing in Mathematics and the Sciences has been established. This network plays a key role in various third-party funded projects.
Papers on popularization of mathematical results also form part of our educational activities. With these contributions we aim at making current mathematical developments accessible to the public at large.
Aktuelle Veranstaltungen
Wintersemester 2023/24
Algebra II (M15)/Kommutative Algebra
- Dienstag, 09:15-10:45 Uhr, RUD 25, 1.115.
- Donnerstag, 09:15-10:45 Uhr, RUD 26, Hörsaal 0'307.
- Beginn: Dienstag, 17.10.2023.
- Donnerstag, 11:15-12:45 Uhr, RUD 25, 4.007 (Marco Flores)
- Beginn: Donnerstag, 19.10.2023.
Student Seminar: Abelian Varieties
- Wednesday, 15:15-16:45, RUD 25, Room 1.023 (BMS Seminar Room).
- Start: Wednesday, 25.10.2023.
We will primarily follow the notes by Edixhoven, van der Geer, and Moonen.
Arithmetische Geometrie - Forschungsseminar
- Das Seminar findet aufgrund der Coronavirus-Pandemie vorerst nicht statt!
Berlin-Brandenburgisches Seminar Mathematik und ihre Didaktik
- Das Seminar findet aufgrund der Coronavirus-Pandemie vorerst nicht statt!