Winter semester 22/23
Seminar on arithmetic geometry: Deligne-Mumford stacks.
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Jürg Kramer
Teaching assistants: Marco Flores & Gari Peralta
Time: Wednesdays, 16:00-17:30 (sharp).
On 16.11 we start at 15:15.
Location: RUD 25, Room 2.006
First seminar on: 19.10.2022
No seminar on: 26.10.2022 and 04.01.2023.
Description: This is a seminar on algebraic stacks from the point of view of the moduli problem. Please find more details in the PDF file below, which will be regularly updated:
Programme AG WS22 (last updated: 19.01.2023)
Helpful links:
Jarod Alper's course. Here you can find videos, slides, and notes.