Algebra II (M15)/Commutative Algebra (WS 2020/21)
To obtain the password for the moodle course please send an e-mail to Thorsten Herrig.
- Tuesday, 09:15 am - 10:45 am, online
- Thursday, 09:15 am - 10:45 am, online
- First Lecture: Tuesday, 03.11.2020, 09:15 am, online
- The course takes place online via the Zoom platform; the respective links can be found on the respective Moodle homepage
Exercise Classes
- Thursday, 11:15 am - 12:45 pm, online (Thorsten Herrig)
- First Class: Thursday, 05.11.2020, 11:15 am, online
- The exercise class takes place online via the Zoom platform; the respective links can be found on the respective Moodle homepage
If you have any further questions regarding the exercise classes, please contact Thorsten Herrig.
Exercise Sheets
- Issue of Exercises: Tuesdays
- Submission of Exercises: Tuesdays (one week after issue) till 11:59 pm
Please upload your weekly solutions at Moodle in a single PDF file.
Sheet 1 | Sheet 2 | Sheet 3 | Sheet 4 | Sheet 5 | Sheet 6 | Sheet 7 |
Sheet 8 | Sheet 9 | Sheet 10 | Sheet 11 | Sheet 12 | Sheet 13 | Test Exam |
For questions/remarks/suggestions concerning the correction of the exercises, you can also contact the corrector Adrian Dawid.
Office hours: by arrangement
Moodle course "Algebra II (M15)/Commutatvie Algebra"
If you don't have a CMS account, you can also log in with an external account.
- The Moodle homepage can be found here.
- Course number: 3314409
- Course name: Algebra II (M15)/Commutative Algebra
- Please send an e-mail to Thorsten Herrig to obtain the password.
Information about the exams will be added during the lecture period:
First Exam
- Date: 11.03.2021
- Registration from 04.01.2021
- Registration till 25.02.2021
- Withdrawal period till 10.03.2021
- Location: RUD 26, 0'115
- Access: 07:30 am - 08:00 am
- Duration of the exam: 120 Minutes
- Look at graded exam: 18.03.2021, 10:00 am - 11:30 am, Rudower Chaussee 25, at parking lots of house 2.
- Attendance requirements: None
- One sheet of paper (DIN A4) with notes on both sides can be brought to the exam. Otherwise, nothing is allowed besides your writing utensils.
- Your results of the first exam can be found on Moodle by Wednesday, 17.03.2021, 04:00 pm.
Second Exam
- Date: 26.03.2021
- Registration till 18.03.2021, 12:00 pm.
- Withdrawal period till 25.03.2021
- Location: RUD 26, 1'305, 1'306
- Access: 07:30 am - 08:00 am
- Duration of the exam: 120 Minutes
- Look at graded exam: 31.03.2021, 10:00 am - 11:30 am, Rudower Chaussee 25, at pasrking lots of house 2.
- Attendance requirements: None
- One sheet of paper (DIN A4) with notes on both sides can be brought to the exam. Otherwise, nothing is allowed besides your writing utensils.
- Your results of the second exam can be found on Moodle by Tuesday, 30.03.2021, 06:00 pm.
- A selection of literature for this course can be found here.