Winter term 2024/25:
Linear algebra and analytic geometry I (exercise):
- Exercise group 1: Wed, 11:15-12:45, RUD25 (Johann von Neumann-Haus), room 1.011
The lecture will be held by Prof. Filler. Further information and materials are available in the associated Moodle course ‘Lineare Algebra und analytische Geometrie II (WS 2024/25)’.
Summer term 2024:
Linear algebra and analytic geometry II (exercise):
- Exercise group 4: Wed, 15:00-16:30, RUD25 (Johann von Neumann-Haus), room 3.007
The lecture will be held by Prof. Filler. Further information and materials are available in the associated Moodle course ‘Lineare Algebra und analytische Geometrie II (SoSe 2024)’.
Winter term 2023/24:
Linear algebra and analytic geometry I (exercise):
- Exercise group 3: Wed, 11:05-12:35, RUD25 (Johann von Neumann-Haus), room 3.006
The lecture will be held by Prof. Filler. Further information and materials are available in the associated Moodle course ‘Lineare Algebra und analytische Geometrie I (WS 2023/24)’.
Winter term 2022/23:
Analysis 1 (exercises):
- Exercise group 1: Mon, 11:15-12:45, RUD25 (Johann von Neumann-Haus), room 3.008; dates: 24.10., 31.10., 07.11., 14.11., 21.11., 28.11., 05.12., 12.12. From here with Fabian Heil.
- Exercise group 5: Wed, 11:15-12:45, RUD25 (Johann von Neumann-Haus), room 3.008; dates: 26.10., 02.11., 09.11., 16.11., 23.11., 30.11., 07.12., 14.12. From here with Fabian Heil.
The lecture will be held by Dr Fehlinger. Further information and materials are available in the associated Moodle course ‘Analysis I’.
Introduction to mathematics didactics and didactics of geometry (exercises):
- Exercise group 1: Tue, 11:15-12:45, RUD26 (Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum), room 1304; dates: 18.10., 01.11., 15.11., 29.11., 13.12., 10.01., 24.01., 07.02.
- Exercise group 2: Tues., 11:15-12:45, RUD26 (Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum), room 1304; Dates: 25.10., 08.11., 22.11., 06.12., 03.01., 17.01., 31.01., 14.02.
The lecture will be held by Prof Filler. Further information and materials are available in the associated Moodle course ‘Geometrie und ihre Didaktik (Fachdidaktischer Teil) 22/23’.
Summer term 2022:
Didactics of analysis and analytic geometry/linear algebra (exercises):
- Exercise group 1: Thurs., 13:15-14:45, RUD25 (Johann von Neumann-Haus), room 1.115; dates: 21.04., 05.05., 19.05., 09.06., 23.06., 07.07., 21.07.
- Exercise group 2: Fr., 9:15-10:45, RUD25 (Johann von Neumann-Haus), room 1.115; Dates: 22.04., 06.05., 20.05., 10.06., 24.06., 08.07., 22.07.
The lecture will be held by Prof. Filler. Further information and materials are available in the associated Moodle course ‘Didaktik der Analysis und der Analytischen Geometrie / Linearen Algebra (SoSe 2022)’.
Winter term 2021/22 (since 01.12.2021):
Introduction to Mathematics Didactics and Didactics of Geometry (exercises):
- Exercise group 1: Tues., 11:30-13:00, RUD25 (Johann von Neumann-Haus), room 3.011; dates: 26.10., 09.11., 23.11. (with Prof. Filler), 07.12., 04.01., 18.01., 01.02., 15.02.
- Exercise group 2: Tues., 11:30-13:00, RUD25 (Johann von Neumann-Haus), room 3.011; dates: 02.11., 16.11., 30.11. (with Prof. Filler), 14.12., 11.01., 25.01., 08.02.
The lecture will be held by Prof. Filler. Further information and materials are available in the associated Moodle course ‘Geometrie und ihre Didaktik (Fachdidaktischer Teil) 21/22’.